Drag Festival in Austin Texas
200 performers on 7 stages in 3 nights!
The mission of Austin International Drag Foundation Inc. is to educate, support and promote the drag artist community. We do this by providing resources and opportunities for individuals seeking to further their careers through showcases, festivals, and various other mediums. As a result of this mission, the general public is further educated about the drag community.
“I am creating the Austin International Drag Festival because I absolutely adore the Drag community. Drag artists play such an important part in our lives, whether you know it or not. They raise millions of dollars for charity. They expand our view of art through amazing creative performances. They also create conversation about gender roles in society. The world would be a pretty boring place without our Queens and Kings.
I am creating the Austin International Drag Festival because it is the right thing to do and the right time to do it. The world is ready for a festival of this magnitude. I want to make sure that those drag performers that work hard at their art everyday are given the chance to be seen by the largest possible audience that I can bring to them.
For 3 days in May of 2015, Austin, Texas will become
Truly and Humbly Yours,
Jamie Steward Bancroft