Gay Atlanta loses LGBT Bookstore and Coffehouse
The internet is a great thing. I don’t think we could live without it. However, with everything good comes something bad. And because we now have everything at our fingertips, some brick and mortar businesses are closing their doors.
In 1993, Outwrite, Atlanta’s gay and lesbian bookstore and coffeehouse opened.
“In May of 2011 we let our community know about our own financial struggle brought on by long term economic conditions and changes in the book industry. It had finally made the rent at our location unaffordable and our future uncertain.
People rushed in, stepped up, volunteered, and offered incredible levels of support and ideas for new business models that bookstores and other community businesses around the country were adopting. Hundreds would come in weekly and tell us how important Outwrite was – and is. Many spoke of how the location was a symbol of strength and diversity in the city.
But it wasn’t enough. We had run out of time to turn the financial situation around. By the end of January we had to close Outwrite for good, putting 10 employees in our community out of jobs and leaving the most recognizable LGBT community landmark empty.”